Fiber optic internet, telephone fiber... But what is fiber?
It is a very thin flexible wire made from a transparent material, for example glass, which is wrapped in a layer which helps to produce total reflection. So, if a light signal is sent at one end, it will totally reflect, several times, in the fiber optic, until it reaches the other end almost with the same intensity, going through significant distances.
An optical fiber cable is made from a large number of such fibers. At one end is an electronic device that sends the coded signal and at the other end a device that receives and decodes the signal. Optical fibers are thin and long strips of glass very fine human hair in diameter.
Have a diameter of 10-100 micro meters. Are gathered together in a mix called optical cables which are used to transmit light signals for long distances.
To be able to create a straight opinion about this system is recommended to know which are the advantages of fiber optics and which parts doesn’t brings fans.
The advantages would be: a better preservation of signal jamming signal impossible, several signals on a wire and a faster transfer speed.
Except these, optical fibers have several advantages, beyond the traditional communication lines, made from metal. Inhere can be reminded a much bigger bandwidth of the optical fibers cable than in the metal cables case; this means that they can carry more data.
Also, fiber optic cables are less susceptible to interference than metal cables, are much thinner and lighter than metal wires and data may be transmitted digitally (the natural form of computer data) instead of being sent analog.
The main disadvantage of fiber optic cable installation is the increased price. In addition, they are more fragile than metal wires and are harder to be branched.
Fiber optics is a technology destined especially to local area networks (locally-area network). More than this, telephone companies gradually replace traditional phone lines with optical fiber cables. In the future, almost all the communications will use optical fiber.
If you look closely at a single fiber you can see its parts: the core - the center of the fiber, where is circulating the light, the shell- the optical material surrounding the core and reflects the light back into it and the environment- the protective plastic coating that protects the fiber from damage and moisture.
Regarding the fiber connections, communications have reached a point where, no matter how big you would need for communication, it can be covered. It does this mainly through broadband technologies. The most powerful of them is the optical fiber.
Technically speaking, fiber optic data transmission is based on converting electric pulses into light. This is then transmitted to the destination through optical fiber bundles, which is converted into electrical impulses.
The fiber optic is the solution for high speed access to the Internet services for permanent dedicated connections.