Although long past the age of adolescence, you find that your acne appeared. What to do? You must go to the doctor, use special creams (which are not always effective, and if so, then the results are seen after a long time using them) and have a proper diet. Another question that torments you is: if the scarring will remain?
But, first of all you must know what their causes are. These can be: a hyper secretion of androgens by endocrine glands, a hyper secretion of sebum or an increased responsiveness to androgens of sebaceous glands.
One revolutionary method to treat them is the LLLT (low level laser therapy), which is a medical treatment that uses low-level lasers or LEDs(light-emitting diodes) to stimulate or inhibit cellular function. This is a sure method to get rid of acne.
In case of acne vulgaris, the light therapy proved very effective. For example, to reduce the bacteria (which is responsible for illness) by 99.9%, a deep penetrating light therapy for only 3 consecutive days is needed. Usually, fluorescent lamps or very bright LEDs are used as light sources in the light therapy.
The light therapy is a method which consists of exposure to daylight or to specific wavelengths of light using LEDs, lasers, dichroic lamps, fluorescent lamps or very bright, full-spectrum light, produced by a so-called light box.
If in the early days of laser medicine, CO2 (carbon dioxide)laser was used to treat acne scars, now other types of lasers are used. The CO2 laser destroys the surface of the skin. Its side-effects are the permanent whitening of the skin and the scarring.
So, now for the treatment of acne a pulsed-dye laser or even an infrared laser can be used. If the usage of the first one is reducing the acne just after one treatment, in the latter case, the number of acne lesions are decreasing by 83% after three treatments.
In the first case, serious side effects do not appear, unlike the latter case, where temporary pain, redness, swelling or even the hyper pigmentation (in case of patients with darker skin) can appear after the treatment.
One of the advantages of the laser treatment is its cost, which is very affordable. In case of IR laser treatments, there have been studies showing that the 1450-nm diode laser reduced the activity of the inflammatory acne of the back.
Another type of laser which can be used to treat acne scars is the fractionated laser. In this case, the remodeling in acne scars is done without the downtime of ablative resurfacing. The pain and the recovery times in the treatment of scars with lasers are minimal.
For better results, the laser treatment must always be done together with a traditional treatment for acne.